
Information World

Determining their authenticity to prevent government employment based on fake scorecards: Order Date: 17-07-2019

Title:-Determining their authenticity to prevent government employment based on fake scorecards: Order Date: 17-07-2019 File Type:-Circular ...

About Teachers CLs-Answer from the Minister of Education on the second and fourth Saturday leave of absence for the Department of Education

Title:-Answer from the Minister of Education on the second and fourth Saturday leave of absence for the Department of Education File Type:-C...

Gazetted Probationers-2015 Invalidated list is published

Title:-Gazetted Probationers-2015 Invalidated list is published File Type:-Circular  File Language :-English  Which Department :-‌KPSC State...

To report on the progress made in implementing the Jalamruta program in schools

Title:-To report on the progress made in implementing the Jalamruta program in schools File Type:-Circular  File Language :-Kannada Which De...

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