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Following the occupation of Mysore in 1831 by the British on the grounds of mal administration and misgoverance on his rule of Krishna Raja Wodeyar III, the strong lobby was established by the Wodeyar at London for restoration of the throne of Mysore to the Wodeyars. Though the Wodeyars died in 1868 it was only in 1881 that the British placed on the throne of Mysore the adopted son of Krishna Raja Wodeyar III, Chama Rajendra Wodeyar X. this event is called as Rendition of Mysore.
Chama Rajendra Wodeyar X (1881-1894)
He became the king of Mysore after Rendition. Chama Rajendra Wodeyar X is the adopted son of Krishna Raja Wodeyar III. He was placed on the throne of Mysore in 1881. He ruled till 1894. He ruled the Mysore state by creating office of Diwan to whom was entrusted the task of administering Mysore. Accordingly Sri Ranga Charlu became the 1st Diwan.
C. Ranga Charlu: - (1881-1883)
Ranga Charlu who became the 1st Diwan of Mysore after Rendition has made notable contributions for the development of Mysore state.
1) For the first time in the history of Mysore the Mysore representative assembly came to be established. Planters, merchants and learnt men became the members of the assembly, in 1881
2) The mining of gold began at Kolar
3) Railway lines were laid which linked Bangalore with Tiptur and Mysore
4) Nearly 4000 acres of land was granted in Bangalore for cultivation to the whites.
Sheshadri Iyer (1883-1904)
Sheshadri Iyer continued with the works of Ranga Charlu and further developed Mysore.
1) The Mysore representative assembly came to have elected members. The term of members was fixed for 3 years.
2) A new department of geology, agriculture and archeology came to be established. D.L. Rice was appointed as the head of the archeological department
3) The first hydro electric power project was commissioned namely the Shivana Samudram hydro electric power project. As a result Bangalore became the first city to be electrified.
4) Among his other works mention can be made of the establishment of Mysore life insurance Corporation, the passage of infant marriage regulation which forbided the marriage of girls below the age of eight and construction of roads, bridges and tanks.
Krishna Raja Wodeyar IV (1894-1914)
Chama Rajendra Wodeyar X was followed by Krishna Raja Wodeyar IV. He distinguishes himself as a good administrator, statesmen and a diplomat. He was also well learnt. He was fortunate to have had the services of the two ablest Diwan Sir M. Vishweshwariah and Mirza Ismail. It was during his rule that Mysore was transformed into a Model State. For all his contributions Krishna Raja Wodeyar IV is rightly called as Raja Rushi (Gandhiji, called him).
Krishna Raja Wodeyar IV was served by several Diwans B.D. Madhav Rao, Anand Rao, and Sir. M.Vishweshwaraiah and by Mirza Ismail.
Sir.M.Vishweshwaraiah (1911-1918)
Sir.M.Vishweshwaraiah is the most outstanding Diwan of Mysore. He entered the services of Mysore as a chief engineer. He was a liberal minded states man. He identified himself with moderate leaders like Gopala Krishna Gokale and M.G. Ranade. In 1902 Vishweshwariah wrote a book called “A vision of prosperous Mysore in which he called for spreading education for promoting agriculture, Industrialization, trade and company
On becoming the Diwan, he began to give shape to his Idea.
Vishweshwaraiah increased the strength of the Mysore legislative assembly from 18-24. The assembly was given the right to discuss, the budget. The Mysore local board & the village panchayat regulation act was passed to which the elected members were appointed industries were constructed by Sir M.Vishweshwaraiah. The iron works of Bhadravathi, the sandal oil factory at Mysore, the Government soap factory, the Metal Factory, the Chrome tanning factory and the Central Industrial Workshop are at Bangalore. Vishweshwaraiah established the Mysore chamber of Commerce and industry and the Mysore bank in 1913 so as to facilitate trade and Commerce. Steps were taken for promoting education education for girls was encouraged and scholarships were provided to the backward classes. The University of Mysore was started in 1916. The government engineering college was established in Bangalore, which is today called as Vishweshwaraiah College of engineering. The Chamarajendra Technological Institute was opened at Mysore. The Karnataka Sahithya Parishad came into existence in 1915.
Vishweshwaraiah laid two Railway lines linking Bangalore with Arsekere and Bowering pet with kolar. He constructed the Krishna Raja Sagar Dam, which irrigated 1000’s of acres of land in the Mysore State. Thus Mysore made Progress during the Ist World war when the world economy was in shatters i.e. because Vishweshwaraiah did not believe in keeping money in reserve but investing in income yielding projects. That is why he is called as the economist & man with foresight
In 1918 Vishweshwaraiah resigned on the reservation issue, as he believed in merit alone, as the only way to success. After independence the Government of India rewarded Vishweshwaraiah by offering the Bharata Ratna in 1955.
Sir Mirza Ismail Ranks along with Sir M.Vishweshwaraiah as one of the greatest Diwan of Mysore. He built upon the works that was initiated by Sir.M.Vishweshwaraiah A steel factory was added to the Bhadravathi Iron works. At Bangalore was started the glass factory and the porcelain factory. It was he who established the Ist public sector factory namely the HAL at Bangalore. The sugar factory at Mandya, the match factory in Shimoga and Paper and cement factory at Bhadravathi were his creations. He also started chemicals and fertilizer factory at Bellagola, and the Khadi p/n Centre at Badanval. The products of Mysore like Sandal oil, silk and agarbatis were exported to England for which purpose a trade commission was appointed in London
Sir Mirza promoted Agriculture by constructing the Kaveri high-level canal, which provided irrigation to 1,000’s of acres of land in the Mandya district. The establishment of the medical college at Mysore and the mental hospital also at Mysore is his other works.
On the death of K.R.W.IV Sir Mirza resigned office in 1941. He was given the title of Knighthood by the British and K.R.W.IV bestowed on him the title of Amin-Ul-Mulk
K.R.W.IV was followed by Jaya chamraj Wodeyar. Diwan Arcot Rama swami Mudaliar, the last Diwan of Mysore, served him.